Come see us Saturday at No. 14 Don Bernardo (off CR 115) in Nambé! Lots of quality items for sale and all proceeds benefit our rescue work on behalf of New Mexico rabbits.
Thanks to the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Scoop briefs for helping get the word out!
Rabbit rescue holds yard sale fundraiser in Nambé
Proceeds from a yard sale Saturday in Nambé will benefit a statewide non-profit organization that supports the care, health and treatment of house rabbits.
The yard sale runs from 8 a.m.-noon at No. 14 Don Bernardo in Nambé. The New Mexico House Rabbit Society fundraiser will feature quality clothing and jewelry, cowboy boots, ceramics, puzzles and a telescope, among other items.
Organizers said the fundraiser helps prepare the group for the annual seasonal influx of unwanted Easter bunnies that are usually relinquished to shelters around Memorial Day.
The House Rabbit Society is the only nonprofit animal rescue to specifically serve the needs of rabbits in New Mexico, working to educate the public about proper rabbit care and re-homing them at monthly adoption events. The group also is active socializing rabbits at the Santa Fe and Albuquerque shelters, in addition to having adoptable foster and sanctuary rabbits of its own.