A Hutch Is Not Enough bustails


Look out for these busses now in New Mexico!

‘A Hutch is Not Enough’ bustails are now circulating in Santa Fe and Albuquerque through Easter.

The somber image of a lonely, neglected, outdoor rabbit with nothing to do is intended to encourage people to reflect carefully before acquiring a rabbit, especially this time of year.

The new #ahutchisnotenough campaign belongs to Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF), a respected UK rabbit charity, which gave us permission to use it on busses in New Mexico.

If you snap a picture of our bustails, tag it with #ahutchisnotenough and let us know on Twitter (@NMHouseRabbits), Facebook (@nmhrs), Flickr (NMHRS) or Instagram (@newmexicohrs).

We are pleased to join RWAF’s #ahutchisnotenough campaign on behalf of rabbit welfare!

A Hutch is not enough poster.

Visit Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund in the UK to read more about their project.

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