Look out for these busses now in New Mexico!
‘A Hutch is Not Enough’ bustails are now circulating in Santa Fe and Albuquerque through Easter.
The somber image of a lonely, neglected, outdoor rabbit with nothing to do is intended to encourage people to reflect carefully before acquiring a rabbit, especially this time of year.
The new #ahutchisnotenough campaign belongs to Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF), a respected UK rabbit charity, which gave us permission to use it on busses in New Mexico.
If you snap a picture of our bustails, tag it with #ahutchisnotenough and let us know on Twitter (@NMHouseRabbits), Facebook (@nmhrs), Flickr (NMHRS) or Instagram (@newmexicohrs).
We are pleased to join RWAF’s #ahutchisnotenough campaign on behalf of rabbit welfare!