Foster Homes Needed!

Fostering a rabbit is a rewarding experience that you’ll never forget. Help NMHRS save lives by opening your home to a rabbit in need. Read below for more details and email to get started. What NMHRS Provides: What the Fosterer Provides: HOW LONG DO I NEED TO FOSTER? We’d…

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2023 RHDV2 Vaccine Clinic

WHEN AND WHERE IS THE CLINIC? April 29th and May 20th from 1:30 to about 4:00 at Southwest Veterinary Medical Center in Albuquerque. WHICH VACCINE WILL BE USED AT THE CLINIC? Medgene. This is currently the only vaccine available in the United States and the same vaccine used last year.…

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National Pet Poison Prevention Week

March 19-25, 2023 is National Pet Poison Prevention Week. While this most likely brings to mind dogs eating human medication off a countertop or consuming a dangerous amount of chocolate, there are several things rabbit guardians should be aware of that are toxic to rabbits! Rodenticides are pesticides that kill rodents,…

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