We wanted to share our latest newsletter with you. NMHRS supporters get this newsletter early and can also have their copy mailed to them. The newsletter contains articles from our team including
- Ned writes about the value of community, working with NMHRS volunteers at the epic “Canadian All-Nighter 2016”.
- Criss shares some potentially life saving tips to keep your bunny cool in summer.
- Lucy offers composting tips for managing all that bunny poop.
- Volunteer Spotlight shines on NMHRS volunteer, Ginny
- Ginny reports on a wonderful outcome for an adoption favourite, “lover-boy” Mercury, the tiny Hotot from Santa Fe.
- Kerrie reviews the book Frost Dancers by Garry Kilworth, a lagomorph action tale!
You’ll also see profiles of our charming adoptable bunnies currently in NMHRS care. Read online below, or download Rabbit Tracks Summer 2016.
Become an NMHRS Supporter
To receive our newsletter directly, become a member of the House Rabbit Society and become a supporter of NMHRS we ask for a donation of $30 (or $20 for seniors and students). You can contribute safely online, stating ‘supporter’ in the Designation field. You can also make out a check (payable to NM HRS) an send it to NMHRS PO Box 95226 Albuquerque, NM 87199 New Mexico. House Rabbit Society is a non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible as provided by law.
Summer 2016